3rd party libs (1) Android (1) GPS (1) Kotlin (1) LiveData (1) PKR (1) Runtime Permission (1) about me (1) android (13) api changes (1) app security (1) architecture (1) aync programming (1) backend (1) career (1) career advice (1) chat platform (1) clean architecture (1) community management (1) conference (2) coroutines (1) cv (1) developer (2) developers (1) development (1) devrel (1) discord (1) droidcon (1) empathy (1) enterprise (1) exceptions (1) expat (1) expats (1) font (1) freeletics (1) google play (1) gps (1) hdc (1) hiring (1) hms core (1) huawei (2) industry (1) interceptor (1) interview (3) ios (1) jetbrains (1) job (1) job applicant (1) jobs (1) kotlin (5) layoffs (1) lessons learned (1) life lessons (1) livedata (1) mobile (2) mocking (1) model view presenter (1) monitoring (1) multi-platform (1) mvp (1) network (2) notes (1) okhttp (1) open-source (1) pakistan (2) pakistan's economy (1) payment (1) personal (2) poetry (1) precautions (1) prerecorded talk (1) product (1) professional (2) programming language (1) public speaking (1) recruiting (1) remittance (1) research (1) resources (1) resume (1) runtime permission (1) slack (1) spectrum (1) talk (1) tech stack (1) transferwise (1) urdu (2) users (1) ux (1) wi-fi (1) women (1) youtube (1)

 3rd party libs (1)

Android Tech Stack at Freeletics

 Android (1)

Monitoring GPS and Location Permission checks using LiveData

 GPS (1)

Monitoring GPS and Location Permission checks using LiveData

 Kotlin (1)

Monitoring GPS and Location Permission checks using LiveData

 LiveData (1)

Monitoring GPS and Location Permission checks using LiveData

 PKR (1)

Is it legit to send remittances to home country via Transferwise?

 Runtime Permission (1)

Monitoring GPS and Location Permission checks using LiveData

 about me (1)

Fireside Chat with KI labs

 android (13)

Monitoring Wi-Fi Connectivity Status in a post nougat world
An easy way to mock an API response using Retrofit, OkHttp, and Interceptor
Fireside Chat with KI labs
How to continue work even when children tasks fail or timeout using Kotlin Coroutines
Kotlin, What the hype?
Monitoring GPS and Location Permission checks using LiveData
Prevent Mobile App Security Breaches?
Thoughts on Clean Architecture and MVP
Urdu Font Comparator App
Android Tech Stack at Freeletics
Droidcon London 2016
Compiled Java & Android Interview Questions
Ultimate Resources for Android Devs

 api changes (1)

Monitoring Wi-Fi Connectivity Status in a post nougat world

 app security (1)

Prevent Mobile App Security Breaches?

 architecture (1)

Thoughts on Clean Architecture and MVP

 aync programming (1)

How to continue work even when children tasks fail or timeout using Kotlin Coroutines

 backend (1)

An easy way to mock an API response using Retrofit, OkHttp, and Interceptor

 career (1)

Fireside Chat with KI labs

 career advice (1)

6 Things I Learned From My Layoff Experience

 chat platform (1)

Choosing a chat platform for public online communities

 clean architecture (1)

Thoughts on Clean Architecture and MVP

 community management (1)

Choosing a chat platform for public online communities

 conference (2)

3 of my Talks went live at Huawei's HDC.Together 2020 Global Conference
Droidcon London 2016

 coroutines (1)

How to continue work even when children tasks fail or timeout using Kotlin Coroutines

 cv (1)

Resume Hacks for the Job Applicants | Youtube Interview

 developer (2)

Android Tech Stack at Freeletics
Ultimate Resources for Android Devs

 developers (1)

Developers + Empathy for Users = Win-Win

 development (1)

Compiled Java & Android Interview Questions

 devrel (1)

Important Lessons Learned From My First Experience of Pre-recorded Talk

 discord (1)

Choosing a chat platform for public online communities

 droidcon (1)

Droidcon London 2016

 empathy (1)

Developers + Empathy for Users = Win-Win

 enterprise (1)

Prevent Mobile App Security Breaches?

 exceptions (1)

How to continue work even when children tasks fail or timeout using Kotlin Coroutines

 expat (1)

6 Things I Learned From My Layoff Experience

 expats (1)

Is it legit to send remittances to home country via Transferwise?

 font (1)

Urdu Font Comparator App

 freeletics (1)

Android Tech Stack at Freeletics

 google play (1)

Urdu Font Comparator App

 gps (1)

Monitoring GPS and Location Permission checks using LiveData

 hdc (1)

3 of my Talks went live at Huawei's HDC.Together 2020 Global Conference

 hiring (1)

Compiled Java & Android Interview Questions

 hms core (1)

3 of my Talks went live at Huawei's HDC.Together 2020 Global Conference

 huawei (2)

Important Lessons Learned From My First Experience of Pre-recorded Talk
3 of my Talks went live at Huawei's HDC.Together 2020 Global Conference

 industry (1)

Fireside Chat with KI labs

 interceptor (1)

An easy way to mock an API response using Retrofit, OkHttp, and Interceptor

 interview (3)

Resume Hacks for the Job Applicants | Youtube Interview
Fireside Chat with KI labs
Compiled Java & Android Interview Questions

 ios (1)

Prevent Mobile App Security Breaches?

 jetbrains (1)

Kotlin, What the hype?

 job (1)

Resume Hacks for the Job Applicants | Youtube Interview

 job applicant (1)

Resume Hacks for the Job Applicants | Youtube Interview

 jobs (1)

6 Things I Learned From My Layoff Experience

 kotlin (5)

Monitoring Wi-Fi Connectivity Status in a post nougat world
An easy way to mock an API response using Retrofit, OkHttp, and Interceptor
How to continue work even when children tasks fail or timeout using Kotlin Coroutines
Kotlin, What the hype?
Monitoring GPS and Location Permission checks using LiveData

 layoffs (1)

6 Things I Learned From My Layoff Experience

 lessons learned (1)

Important Lessons Learned From My First Experience of Pre-recorded Talk

 life lessons (1)

6 Things I Learned From My Layoff Experience

 livedata (1)

Monitoring GPS and Location Permission checks using LiveData

 mobile (2)

Prevent Mobile App Security Breaches?
Thoughts on Clean Architecture and MVP

 mocking (1)

An easy way to mock an API response using Retrofit, OkHttp, and Interceptor

 model view presenter (1)

Thoughts on Clean Architecture and MVP

 monitoring (1)

Monitoring Wi-Fi Connectivity Status in a post nougat world

 multi-platform (1)

Kotlin, What the hype?

 mvp (1)

Thoughts on Clean Architecture and MVP

 network (2)

Monitoring Wi-Fi Connectivity Status in a post nougat world
An easy way to mock an API response using Retrofit, OkHttp, and Interceptor

 notes (1)

Droidcon London 2016

 okhttp (1)

An easy way to mock an API response using Retrofit, OkHttp, and Interceptor

 open-source (1)

Urdu Font Comparator App

 pakistan (2)

Fireside Chat with KI labs
Urdu Font Comparator App

 pakistan's economy (1)

Is it legit to send remittances to home country via Transferwise?

 payment (1)

Is it legit to send remittances to home country via Transferwise?

 personal (2)

Aurat nai Janam diya Mardon ko
Ultimate Resources for Android Devs

 poetry (1)

Aurat nai Janam diya Mardon ko

 precautions (1)

Prevent Mobile App Security Breaches?

 prerecorded talk (1)

Important Lessons Learned From My First Experience of Pre-recorded Talk

 product (1)

Developers + Empathy for Users = Win-Win

 professional (2)

Compiled Java & Android Interview Questions
Ultimate Resources for Android Devs

 programming language (1)

Kotlin, What the hype?

 public speaking (1)

Important Lessons Learned From My First Experience of Pre-recorded Talk

 recruiting (1)

Resume Hacks for the Job Applicants | Youtube Interview

 remittance (1)

Is it legit to send remittances to home country via Transferwise?

 research (1)

Ultimate Resources for Android Devs

 resources (1)

Droidcon London 2016

 resume (1)

Resume Hacks for the Job Applicants | Youtube Interview

 runtime permission (1)

Monitoring GPS and Location Permission checks using LiveData

 slack (1)

Choosing a chat platform for public online communities

 spectrum (1)

Choosing a chat platform for public online communities

 talk (1)

3 of my Talks went live at Huawei's HDC.Together 2020 Global Conference

 tech stack (1)

Android Tech Stack at Freeletics

 transferwise (1)

Is it legit to send remittances to home country via Transferwise?

 urdu (2)

Urdu Font Comparator App
Aurat nai Janam diya Mardon ko

 users (1)

Developers + Empathy for Users = Win-Win

 ux (1)

Developers + Empathy for Users = Win-Win

 wi-fi (1)

Monitoring Wi-Fi Connectivity Status in a post nougat world

 women (1)

Aurat nai Janam diya Mardon ko

 youtube (1)

Resume Hacks for the Job Applicants | Youtube Interview